Á döfinni


Kristín Erla Pétursdóttir vinnur til alþjóðlegra leikaraverðlauna fyrir kvikmyndina Birtu

Kristín Erla Pétursdóttir vann til DIAMANT verðlaunanna sem besta unga leikkonan (Best Child Actor) á Alþjóðlegu kvikmyndahátíðinni SCHLINGEL sem fór fram í Þýskalandi dagana 9. - 16. október. Kristín Erla hlaut verðlaunin fyrir aðalhlutverk sitt í kvikmyndinni Birtu

Birta fjallar um hina 11 ára kraftmiklu en auðtrúa Birtu. Hún tekur málin í sínar hendur með ævintýralegum hætti þegar hún heyrir móður sína segja í hálfkæringi að það verði engin jól vegna blankheita.

Birta er skrifuð af Helgu Arnardóttur og leikstýrð af Braga Þór Hinrikssyni. Þau eru jafnframt framleiðendur myndarinnar fyrir H.M.S. Productions. Auk Kristínar fara með aðalhlutverk Margrét Júlía Reynisdóttir, Salka Sól Eyfeld og Margrét Ákadóttir.  

Myndin verður frumsýnd hér á landi þann 5. nóvember næstkomandi. 

Birta trailer

Hér fyrir neðan má sjá rökstuðning dómnefndar á ensku:

„In the past days we were allowed to see many wonderful films from different countries of the world. We were able to take a look at societies unknown to us, were in the present, but also in the past. And we have undertaken adventurous journeys together with the young heroines and heroes.“ 

„In all these films, one young actress in particular stood out to us and remained in our memories. She was able to convince us with her believable acting that she experiences and goes through exactly what her character experiences. She surprised us with her ideas, her tenacity and with her musical and athletic talents. We were able to observe her friendships, recognized emotions and empathy. We were especially convinced by her portrayal of vulnerability, disappointment, but also joy.“ 

„The heroine of this film always remains honest and does not give up. We saw and empathized with her big heart and sense of justice especially through the close-ups of her face. At 11 years old, we saw her as a selfconfident girl who responsibly takes care of her younger sister. After overhearing her mother on the phone, our heroine sets a lofty goal for herself: she tries to raise money using a wide variety of adventurous methods. After all, should Christmas really be cancelled this year just because her mother is in a financial crisis? We were particularly touched by her desperate search for her lost wallet. Big challenges for the heroine. For those who don't know it yet: Her name is Birta! I am very pleased to award the DIAMOND - Best Child Actress Award 2021 to Kristin Erla Pétursdóttir as Birta in the Icelandic feature film of the same name. We are already looking forward to seeing you in many more movies or series soon.“

Allar nánari upplýsingar um SCHLINGEL kvikmyndahátíðina má finna á heimasíðu hátíðarinnar