Verk í vinnslu
Eldri verk


Ulaa Salim

Eternal is an intense and life-affirming story of the difficult love between two people challenged by ambitions of wanting to save mankind from destruction by reaching the deepest place on earth, at the bottom of the ocean.

Titill: For evigt
Enskur titill: Eternal
Tengund: Drama

Director: Ulaa Salim
Script: Ulaa Salim
Producer: Daniel Mühlendorph
Coproducer: Grímar Jónsson
Director of photography: Jacob Möller
Editor: Jenna Mangulad
Music: Valgeir Sigurðsson
Cast: Nanna Öland Fabricus, Simon Sears, Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir
Sound design: Rune Kristansen
Costume design: Juan Bastias
Art design: Gustav Pontoppidan

Production company: Hyæne Film
Coproduction company: Netop Films

Length: 110 min
Shooting format: Cinemascope
Screening format: DCP
Screening ratio: 2.35:1
Production country: Denmark, Íceland

International sales and distribution:
New Europe Film Sales
National sales and distribution: Sena

Contact: Grímar Jónsson -