King of the Butterflies
Olaf de Fleur
Darryl Francis was wrongfully accused and convicted as an accessory to murder in Los Angeles when he was a teenager. During the two decades he spent in prison, he discovered the power of creative writing and humor to cope with life behind bars. Director Olaf de Fleur plays with the line between fiction and reality, the same method that won him a Teddy Award at the 2008 Berlinale.
Titill: King of the Butterflies (áður The Amazing Truth About Daddy Green)
Enskur titill: King of the Butterflies
Leikstjóri: Olaf de Fleur
Handritshöfundur: Olaf de Fleur
Framleiðendur: Olaf de Fleur
Framleiðslufyrirtæki: Poppoli
Áætluð frumsýning: 2020
Upptökutækni: Arri Alexa
Tengiliður: Olaf de Fleur -
KMÍ styrkir fyrir verkefnið:
Handritsstyrkur 2017 kr. 400.000
Þróunarstyrkur 2017 kr. 900.000
Framleiðslustyrkur 2019 kr. 13.500.000
Endurgreiðslur kr. 4.796.646
KMÍ styrkur fyrir verkefnið nemur 43.7% af heildarkostnaði kvikmyndarinnar.